British Petroleum (PB) chief executive, Tony Haywood said on Monday that his company was not responsible for the oil spill, but is responsible for the clean-up of the oil spill. BP is now accepting claims for the Gulf Coast oil spill. So, if you believe that you have a claim against BP for this horrific mess, call 1-800-440-0858. If you have already pursued a claim against BP and are not satisfied with the company’s resolution you can call the Coast Guard at 1-800-280-7118.
While President Obama made clear that BP will be held accountable for the costs associated with with the clean up of the oil spill, senior administration officials met with top BP personnel today.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano, Secretary of the Interior (DOI) Ken Salazar, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson and Secretary of Energy Stephen Chu met with BP CEO Tony Hayward and BP American Chairman and President Lamar McKay to discuss ongoing, coordinated response efforts and receive an update on BP’s spill mitigation plans for potentially affected Gulf Coast states.
The administration officials requested an update on how BP plans to ensure an effective response in all potentially affected Gulf Coast states, including Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida.
The administration—including the DHS, DOI, the Departments of Defense and Commerce, and the Environmental Protection Agency—has launched and coordinated an all-hands-on-deck, relentless response to this crisis from day one in order to mitigate the spill’s impact on public health, the environment and the economy.