More accusations have been made against Orlando City Clerk Stephanie Herdocia and Deputy City Clerk Ken Walsh, as City Hall employees revolt against management engulfed in another scandal.
Multiple sources within Orlando City Hall reported to West Orlando News that City Clerk Stephanie Herdocia and Deputy City Clerk Ken Walsh were scrambling after a WON article this week detailed a complaint by Aide Diana Perez alleging ongoing retaliation and threats of workplace violence.
“This poor woman that filed her complaint against her bosses has been dragged through the mud by the clerk managers and for no good reason,” one source told West Orlando News.
The management of Mayor Buddy Dyer’s City Clerk’s office is allegedly considering using arbitration to force Diana Perez to give up her legal rights, therefore seemingly removing any potential legal ramifications for the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk over how they handled the situation, or potentially risk losing her job for not signing an arbitration agreement.
“How bout Ken saying that they’re already working on taking steps to make sure Diana doesn’t sue the City or gets a thing,” the source told West Orlando News. “Basically, Ken was saying that Stephanie, and city attorneys are working on setting Diana up with an arbitration agreement, sort of like a strategy just for her since shes known not to sign anything, it was Ken and Stephanie’s idea because they said that they need to fix their mess and have to protect the city clerks office and tip the scales in their favor because right now things are looking pretty bad because of your article.”
The source stated that after all the damage Diana caused by reaching out to all the City Commissioners for help, the fear in the office was that she would be allowed back to work. That’s why reportedly they are getting arbitration in place, in order to keep everyone out of trouble over what happened in the Clerk’s office. “And it’ll screw her over,” the source added.
It appears City Clerk Stephanie Herdocia and Deputy City Clerk Ken Walsh were in crisis management mode on Friday at the office. But if this is an option they are considering for the bombshell complaint made by Diana Perez, that raises many questions that the City of Orlando must now answer, because it appears they are only trying to protect themselves legally before making the next move.
When asked how long it took for any of the City Clerk management to take action, the city spokesperson did not respond. When asked what is City of Orlando protocol for when an employee first reports possible abuse or threats of violence, the city spokesperson did not respond. When asked if the actions taken by the City Clerk and Deputy City Clerk were consistent with Mayor Buddy Dyer’s expectations and city policy, the spokesperson did not respond.
Is the City of Orlando attempting to use arbitration in order to pressure an employee to give up their future right to sue or risk losing their job? Is Stephanie Herdocia scared of being sued for her actions, or lack of actions? Is Deputy City Clerk Ken Walsh scared of being sued for his actions, or lack of actions? Who was involved in discussing arbitration as an option, after the West Orlando News article was published?
The two city spokespersons were still unresponsive to multiple attempts for comment by the West Orlando News. City Clerk Herdocia and Deputy City Clerk Walsh were also copied on the questions. No response.
Arbitration agreements often favor employers because they limit employees’ ability to take legal action in court. If the City Clerk pushes the employee to sign an arbitration agreement, it is likely a way to prevent her from suing later. The SEIU union should stand for the employee’s rights and reject any attempt of management to cover or protect themselves.
City Commissioner Shan Rose is also monitoring the ongoing Orlando City Clerk scandal. “Ensuring our city employees are treated fair and equitable, after receiving the email from the employee, I requested Labor Relations to investigate,” Commissioner Rose told WON. “I am awaiting the completion of their investigation, including the suspension.”
Does Mayor Buddy Dyer still support Stephanie Herdocia remaining City Clerk, and what actions would Mayor Dyer like to see be taken to protect city workers when they raise concerns of misconduct, retaliation or threats of violence? Mayor Dyer did not respond.
RELATED: Threats of Violence, Ongoing Retaliation in Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer’s City Hall