Just Like You

Photo Credit Viviana Pernot

These amazing photos were taken by Viviana Pernot, and provided by the folks at Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar.

They were sent to us in the hopes that we would publish a press release promoting a Cuba Libre Restaurant & Rum Bar to Host an Exclusive Culinary Trip to Havana, Cuba. 

The photos portray today’s Cuba in a compelling fashion and serve as a reminder of one of America’s biggest blunders: isolation of Cuba and its beautiful people.  They are no different than we are.  Living day to day, just like you, existing the best way they can.

Trump certainly gets it wrong in his plans to suspend group travel for tourism to Cuba, repealing the previous Obama travel opportunity.

If you look closely enough at Ms. Pernot’s photos, you can see a strength and a resolve, defiance actually, rebuffing America’s misplaced legacy.

This is not a paid piece or an advertorial, we simply support any efforts by anyone looking to support the Cuban people, and we salute the folks at Cuba Libre for their undying commitment to Cuban culture and cuisine.



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