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Watch Your Back Mayor Jacobs, This Could Be A Trap

Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs
Orange County Mayor Teresa Jacobs

Beleaguered Orange County taxpayers are about to get robbed, er, pay $7.8 million for two sick buildings, all because Orange County officials (Sorry Mayor Jacobs) refuse to believe they are being manipulated, and set up for a shakedown.

To those in the know (and obviously obvious), it is thoroughly ridiculous to drop $7.8 million precious taxpayer dollars on buildings that need (count ’em) $4 million dollars worth of repairs and refurbishing, along with major downside risk as a future health liability.

In other words, it ain’t worth it.

Or, as Sheriff Jerry Demings  would say, ‘move along folks, there’s nothing to see here.’

Consider this: The sellers who also own  Fashion Square mall (conveniently located across the street) paid $4.3 million for these handyman-specials just one year ago.

That’s a tidy mark up and a quick buck at taxpayers’ expense. As a courtesy, the seller has agreed to pay the cost of fixing these fixer-uppers, but only if County taxpayers first fork over the cash.

So let’s do the math. County taxpayers shell out $7.8 million dollars for the property and then another million dollars for build out. Sweet! The seller is killing it in both directions.

County officials convene tomorrow to discuss the matter further, after initially rejecting it as madness.

Turns out that the smart money in the Jacobs administration poo-pooed the deal, declaring it virtual necromancy, a deal with the devil and just, plain ol’ dumb.

But it ain’t dead yet. This sucker has an emerging champion at its side that would make any Lannister proud.

So, who is the champion?

None other but the esteemed, sans-ethical, community organizing, pseudo-progressive, Scott Randolph, Orange County Tax Collector himself.

Now fairness mandates that the Orange County Tax Collector, a duly elected, County-wide official be given the benefit of the doubt. But this deal even has the late Earl K himself scratching his head up there in tax collector heaven.

If the rumors are correct (and there are rumors), County sleuths are already conducting a massive search to prove that Randolph is somehow benefitting from this Christmas-in-July deal, but no proof has surfaced, as yet.

Criteria for speculation includes, traditional fare, much like your garden variety kickback or even some of the more nefarious meanderings of outright corruption.

Now, here’s the part that should worry Mayor Jacobs.

It’s already been discovered that Randolph is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, backstabbing the Mayor while she pats him on the head for bringing this deal to the table. For those naive enough to not realize that he is trying to undermine Jacobs, try to follow along and don’t say you weren’t warned.

Some are wondering aloud if this is really a way for Mr. Randolph to fund his future projects, including, one day being Orange County Mayor.

Mayor Jacobs thinks she has no competition with Val Demings out of the picture. What she doesn’t realize is that Scott is using her to push this deal through that will ultimately net him money for one of his many PACs.

If this deal goes through, this will be a daily headache and misery for EVERYONE involved. It will certainly be used against Mayor Jacobs.

The issues around this deal will not go away and they will have to get used to hearing about every leak and crack for years to come. That’s because there are tenants in the building and construction is expected to continue through 2017.

Jacobs, in her wisdom, was originally concerned about public safety and the risk that the Orange County public could possibly have two more sick buildings on their hands.

We all remember the old Property Appraiser’s building on Pine Street.

Oddly enough, no one has been able to verify that the air quality reports are satisfactory for these buildings.

The County’s own staff presented an official report indicating mold, weeping walls and a leaky roof. Mayor Jacobs’ staff recommended the deal be cancelled.

Well, thanks to Scott Randolph, the rejected-for-health and other reasons deal, is now back on the table.

For financial proof it’s a bad idea, take a look at the Orange County Property Appraiser’s website to find the real value.

And speaking of Rick Singh, insiders know that if it were Singh that wanted the County to buy these two buildings, you can bet there would be no deal.

So, go ahead elected officials, buy these buildings. If you think doing so to spite Singh is a good way to spend taxpayer dollars, prepare as they say, to bend over, as you will literally be getting it yourself when the entire truth comes out.

And make no mistake, it will.

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