Wednesday, January 22, 2025
40.7 F

$50.00 Wig on a $5.00 Head

Calling all ladies!

Why are we still guilty of “dumpster diving” for men?

A few months ago, I overheard a conversation between two women. On the surface, both were professional gems who had homes, cars, bank accounts, social status, and enriching careers. From a distance, who wouldn’t be awe-inspired by their incredible successes?

Then, suddenly, the favorable view that I held about their accomplishments was quickly extinguished after I heard one lady say to the other one—“Girlfriend, I am asking the Lord to please send me half of a man!”

Give me a break!

Now, I fully understand why there is a traffic jam on Long-Suffering Lane, Persecution Boulevard, and Trials and Tribulations Avenue! Sadly, there are still too many women wearing a $50.00 wig on a $5.00 head.

Of course, staying true to the dogmatic person that I am, I had to quickly challenge this stranger’s stupidity. Unabashedly, I asked her, “Could you tell me what half?”

For goodness sakes, ladies, can you please, please, please help me to understand what has become of the quality of your prayers, your virtues, and your self-esteem?

For instance, can you imagine Coretta Scott King, Michelle Obama, Winnie Mandela, Rosa Parks, Fannie Lou Hamer, or Condoleezza Rice asking God to fulfill this ridiculous request? Or, even if you owned those asinine sentiments, aren’t you ashamed to let strangers and friends know the depths of your willingness to scrape the bottom of the freaking barrel?

History has shown us that these role models didn’t utter such belittling, self-loathing prayer requests nor did they live by such limited credos. How do I know for sure? You have my literary permission to visit your local library to research the “men” who eventually became their spouses or life partners. Doesn’t look like they “settled” for a junk-yard dog, someone’s recycled trash, or dead weight!

Want some sisterly advice? It’s free…

What we think of is often what we get. Therefore, it behooves each of us to yearn for a higher degree of character and expectations from men and, as well as, from ourselves. And, just as critical, never forget that sexual motion doesn’t yield lifetime devotion!

Make a pledge to “check yourself” before you “wreck yourself.” Stop underestimating your value. Remember, “heroes” are not found under the armpits of “zeroes.”

Lastly, the head will always fight dirty with the heart—just ask the wig!


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