Friday, December 13, 2024
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Job Fair Oops

Quite often we hear about the “do’s” when attending job fairs yet rarely does one discuss the “oops” regarding common sense slips.  With this being job fair season (yep, with spring comes more than pollen and sneezes), we are just in time to prepare for the WORKFORCE CENTRAL FLORIDA job fair (or a similar one in your area). For the next few minutes, let’s take time to go over my sure-fire list of “I can’t believe if forgot about…”

* Gum Chewing: Do not forget to take that chewing gum out (and dispose of properly) before stepping foot inside. Too often this simple oversight can spell doom by way of smacking.  How many times have you talked to someone who was chewing gun and all you could do was focus on the noise?

* Improper Shoes: No tennis shoes, sandals, or flip flops. This is not the time to show off dirty or unkempt toe nails.  I know of several hiring managers who have made decisions not to offer additional interviews based solely on what garbs the feet. It may be silly, but it is reality.

* Interrupting: You do not own a “front of the line pass.” Now that we got that out of the way, remain patient, courteous, and respectful. Those sitting across the table recognize disrespect when they see it.

* Nail Biting: Push nerves to the side and keep your fingers out of your mouth; while we are at it, no hair twirling. This is the time to “show” confidence and a character to defeat any obstacle which may be in your path.

I don’t need to remind you of the obvious do I? I’m talking about wearing professional clothes, no children tagging along, no gang tackling the representative, being on time, looking good (clean shaven—for the guys), and having plenty of resumes and cover letters (written well—ask me about this topic when you have a chance) to had out.

No doubt there is a huge laundry list to go over but for now, I think we’ve covered enough.

For those in the Greater Central Florida region, Workforce Central Florida is presenting the Osceola County Job Fair on Wednesday, April 28th from noon until 4:00 pm. The event is free and located at the Kissimmee Civic Center, 201 East Dakin Avenue, 34741. Needing additional information, go to or contact Kim Cornett at 407-760-7053.

Wishing you the very best in your career and life,

Danny Huffman, MA, CEIP, CPRW, CPCC, author, educator, and co-owner of Career Services International and Education Career Services,  He may be reached directly at [email protected].

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  1. Job candidates should view career fairs as mini interviews, and behave (and dress) with that in mind.

    Thanks for the information regarding this fair Mr. Huffman.

    -David A. Cruz


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