WHERE: Florida Citrus Bowl
City of Orlando Parking Services and Orlando Venues management encourage patrons to utilize the FREE shuttle service and $10.00 to park located at the Amway Arena and the Central Florida Fairgrounds. Parking is SOLD OUT at the Florida Citrus Bowl Stadium for the annual CAPITAL ONE BOWL – LSU VS PENN ST. FANS / VISITORS ARE CAUTIONED TO BE AWARE OF WHERE THEY PARK. CITY AUTHORIZED LOTS HAVE UNIFORMED STAFF AND PROVIDE RECEIPTS. ALSO ALL PATRONS WHO HAVE PURCHASED ONLINE PARKING PERMITS ARE ENCOURAGED TO HAVE THEIR PERMITS PROMINENTLY DISPLAYED FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT TO ALLOW THRU ROAD CLOSURES.
SHUTTLE SITES: Free shuttle service at the AMWAY ARENA with drop off and pick up on Nashville & Church Street or CENTRAL FLORIDA FAIRGROUNDS with drop off and pick up on Tampa Ave. & Long Street. Shuttle service starts at 9 am and runs 2 hours post game.
AMWAY ARENA SHUTTLE SITE: Ride Free & $10.00 to park.
· Traveling Eastbound on I-4: take the South St. exit 83 and proceed until you reach Livingston St. Turn left and proceed to Livingston St. to the parking and Shuttle site on the right.
· Traveling Westbound on I-4: take exit 84 –SR 50 / Colonial Dr., proceed across Colonial Dr. /SR 50 onto Hughey Ave. Proceed to Livingston St. and make a right. Parking and shuttle will be on the right.
CFL FAIRGROUNDS SHUTTLE SITE– Ride Free & $10.00 to park.
· From the Florida Turnpike /408 Eastbound: Proceed on the Turnpike to 408 eastbound. Continue on the 408 eastbound to exit 5/SR 435- Kirkman rd. Turn left on Kirkman Rd. and proceed to SR 50/ Colonial Dr. and proceed to Pete Parrish Rd./ Central Florida Fairgrounds. Turn Left into the Central Florida Fairgrounds and proceed to shuttle site.
· From the 408 Westbound: Proceed on the 408 westbound to exit 7, Old Winter Garden Rd. Turn left on Old Winter Garden Rd., turn right onto Mercy Sr., turn left on SR 50/ Colonial Dr., turn right onto Pete Parrish Rd. at the Central Florida Fairgrounds and proceed to the shuttle site.
Parking is on first come first serve basis – no reserving of parking spaces.
Confine tailgating to front or rear of vehicle.
No dumping of hot coals on the ground.
No empty stalls between cars.
No gas powered generators (considered a fire hazard).
No glass containers, glass bottles and/or kegs.
No large external speakers.
No Re-entry into the lots on game day.
Patrons must provide your own trash bags.
Tents are to be 10′ by 10′ or smaller (anything larger requires a City permit).
PROHIBITED ITEMS: Backpacks or carry bags, video cameras or cases, water, bottles, cans, coolers, containers, signs, poles, flags with 15” or larger sticks, umbrellas, balls, Frisbees, weapons, fireworks, drugs, alcohol, food, drinks or other items deemed inappropriate. Security personnel reserve the right to inspect any items at any time.
MORE INFORMATION: Visit www.orlandovenues.net or www.cityoforlando.net/parking