Photo credit: Olivier Laban-Mattei/AFP/Getty Images
The Gnatt Report
By: Lucius Gantt
When President Barack Obama goes to bed tonight, I hope he doesn’t even dream about getting involved in Iranian affairs.
When Americans protested and complained about miscounted and uncounted votes in 2000 and 2002, no one from Iran said a mumbling word.
When both Black and white Americans were beaten, shot and slain while trying to register poor people to vote, not a whisper came from Iran.
While some imagine the United States as the world’s policeman, Obama should do like some beasts with badges do every day…..selectively prosecute!
The President should pick and choose his battles very, very carefully. If Barack didn’t learn from the mistakes of his predecessor he will surely repeat those same foreign affairs mistakes.
I think the historical problems with American foreign policy have been many and varied. Perhaps the greatest flaw is the feeling that every country should operate, legislate, orchestrate and integrate ideas and ideals that duplicate or match the way that America is run.
You don’t have to send military troops to Iran and Afghanistan to bring about change. Just keep hooking the Arabs up with Twitter, My Space, Facebook, and other social networking and dating sites. Most of the photos from anti-election result riots have been posted on internet sites.
If Middle Easterners adopt the values and views shared on the internet in the United States, before you know it some of them will be just as crazy as some of us are!
If the CIA can flood California inner city communities with crack cocaine to destroy neighborhoods there, perhaps that same trick will be utilized in the Arabic countries. The people will stop protesting but the addicted Arabs would steal your hub caps and lawn mowers.
For whatever reason, military intervention by the USA is undesirable. American soldiers in Iran would do more bad than good.
All of the people of the world have to determine their own destinies. God, or Allah if you prefer, is on the side of the righteous. Iran’s situation is essentially a family squabble. The family of Iranians must find their own way to work things out.
Instead of “Yankee Go Home!” the new chant in Muslim countries should be “Yankee Stay Home”!